Feature like the heavy steel plate door are designed to deter theft and break-ins. The sturdy and durable Gardall B2815 is a great safe for any valuables at the office and the business. The B-rated burglary safe has been constructed with a 0.5" steel plate door and 0.25" thick body, multiple live locking bolts and an independent re-locker to prevent any form of forcible entry. Along with four anchoring holes pre-drilled into the bottom, the safe can be bolted to the ground which makes it extra secure from theft.
UL Type I Digital Lock Also Available. Wide body designed to accommodate cash drawers.
Full length locking bar to deter prying attack on hinges. 4 anchoring holes to securely bolt down safe. B-rated, 0.5 inch plate steel door and 0.25 inch steel body.
B-rated (burglary protection) safe with Group II UL rated high security lock. UL Group II lock standard. Multiple live locking bolts to provide the most secure door possible.
Item Dimensions (in inches) WEIGHT: 329 lbs. Inside Dimensions (in inches) volume is 4.80 cubic feet.